Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Good first appointment!

Well, finally got to see the doctor! Seemed like a long wait. We got an ultrasound first thing which was great because we got to see the baby. Heart rate was 171, and growth was right on at 8 weeks 3 days. It is a cute little blob if I do say so myself.

After that we got to meet with the doctor. He was very patient and answered all of our questions...we had a lot! Here is a summary of what we talked about:

*No blood thinner injections for me! He reassured me that he didn't think I would need them since I have 2 of the more mild blood clotting disorders. He did say I would start them after delivery though which made me feel better.

*Everything looks good so far and it looks like the odds are in my favor to have a close to normal pregnancy. He said the chance of preeclampsia happening again is about 25% but it should be more mild if it does occur.

*I have to have another c section and it will be scheduled at 38 weeks if everything is looking good.

*I will go to the doctor like a normal pregnancy until about 20 weeks, then I will start going more frequently than normal.

*He is going to have me see a specialist within the month just to make sure she doesn't suggest anything different.

I feel comfortable that this doctor is going to take good care of me during this pregnancy. His wife actually had what I did, which makes me feel good that he has been there personally. Yay! So thankful for a good doctor!

On the fun side we have decided to nickname this baby "tot" until we know the sex. We like Tot for several reasons...1) because I have been kind of craving tater tots, 2) Chloe likes the little tater tot toys that came in the wacky pack meal at sonic, and 3) the baby is about the size of a tot right now!

Chloe's nickname was "Izoo" which was a combination of the boy and girl names we had picked out...strange I know. I don't know how we come up with these things. I just can't have a life inside of me, a member of the family, without a name!

Pretty sure I won't post over this Christmas weekend. I hope everyone has a Merry and Blessed Christmas!!!

"So I will celebrate the day that You were born to die, so I could one day pray for You to save my life" -Relient K

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