Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Good first appointment!

Well, finally got to see the doctor! Seemed like a long wait. We got an ultrasound first thing which was great because we got to see the baby. Heart rate was 171, and growth was right on at 8 weeks 3 days. It is a cute little blob if I do say so myself.

After that we got to meet with the doctor. He was very patient and answered all of our questions...we had a lot! Here is a summary of what we talked about:

*No blood thinner injections for me! He reassured me that he didn't think I would need them since I have 2 of the more mild blood clotting disorders. He did say I would start them after delivery though which made me feel better.

*Everything looks good so far and it looks like the odds are in my favor to have a close to normal pregnancy. He said the chance of preeclampsia happening again is about 25% but it should be more mild if it does occur.

*I have to have another c section and it will be scheduled at 38 weeks if everything is looking good.

*I will go to the doctor like a normal pregnancy until about 20 weeks, then I will start going more frequently than normal.

*He is going to have me see a specialist within the month just to make sure she doesn't suggest anything different.

I feel comfortable that this doctor is going to take good care of me during this pregnancy. His wife actually had what I did, which makes me feel good that he has been there personally. Yay! So thankful for a good doctor!

On the fun side we have decided to nickname this baby "tot" until we know the sex. We like Tot for several reasons...1) because I have been kind of craving tater tots, 2) Chloe likes the little tater tot toys that came in the wacky pack meal at sonic, and 3) the baby is about the size of a tot right now!

Chloe's nickname was "Izoo" which was a combination of the boy and girl names we had picked out...strange I know. I don't know how we come up with these things. I just can't have a life inside of me, a member of the family, without a name!

Pretty sure I won't post over this Christmas weekend. I hope everyone has a Merry and Blessed Christmas!!!

"So I will celebrate the day that You were born to die, so I could one day pray for You to save my life" -Relient K

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ugh...Getting Impatient!

Well, I meant to post this earlier, but my appointment was postponed until Dec 22. Bummer! I am ready to get in there and see this baby so it will be more real to me. I know that sounds silly, but I still can't believe I'm pregnant. I think I feel that way for a lot of reasons. First, after what I went through with Chloe, I knew I didn't want to get pregnant for a while. I spent two years making sure I couldn't get pregnant. Second, Chloe is our little princess and I don't think I can imagine what another child of ours would be like! Also, I am still wondering why I am crazy enough to do this again! Really though, last time was sweet ignorance. Sure, I knew that bad things can happen during pregnancy. But the chances are so slim, it wasn't going to happen to me. I am now much more aware of all the many things that can go wrong, and of women who have been through much more than myself.

I am not going to lie. I am always going to be sad that what I dreamed to be one of the most joyful days of my life turned out to be one of the most terrifying. I will always be sad that I didn't leave the hospital with my Chloe. Leaving her there was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I will always be sad that I didn't get to experience labor. I will always be sad that for the first 6 months of Chloe's life I felt scared for my own life. For the first time my body had failed me and I wasn't sure how to deal with it. It is still hard to see a mother leave the hospital holding their baby. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for every healthy pregnancy, I just wish I could have felt that.

But...would I change any of it??? No way! My sweet Chloe was meant to come into this world 2 months early. Her being born early changed us in ways we would never have known if she would have been a normal delivery. She taught us to cherish every sweet moment that you have with your baby. I realized that things could have gone another way, and she might not even be with us. I soaked in all that this new life offered. Her baby smell, the softness of her skin, holding her tiny body close to mine every chance I got, her squeaky little cry, and yes even changing her diaper. When we finally brought her home I was so thankful our family was complete...all in one place. I am now still cherishing every moment I have with this girl. I love every stage. She will never, never, be the way she is today again...our silly little toddler. Every day is something new, and she has left something old behind.

I am so excited to have all these experiences with our new little one someday. I pray that their arrival is smoother than Chloe's of course. But God already knows what will happen, and he knows we can handle it. Whatever happens, I look forward to it more than I might have if it weren't for all the things Ms. Chloe taught us the day she came 2 months too soon. :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Still Prego!

Chloe and Daddy being silly under her bed

Chloe in her Big Sister shirt on Thanksgiving (she didn't want to take a picture)

Well, so far so good. We have known about being pregnant for a week and a half now, and so far nothing has changed. No big symptoms yet. Haven't even been feeling tired. I am going to cross my fingers that I keep feeling good. I felt great when I was pregnant with Chloe (up until the end). I do have an increased risk of miscarriage with my blood clotting disorders, so I will be glad to make it out of the 1st trimester.

We told our family about the pregnancy over Thanksgiving. We had Chloe wear a "big sis" shirt. It took a while for some to catch on, but eventually everyone did, and they were very excited. It is especially big news since I have two sisters-in-law pregnant in Kevin's family! We are due May, June, and August. It will be an exciting year in 2010! Lots of babies :)

Could you please lift up a prayer for us?
-Pray that I would not be anxious and enjoy this pregnancy without being consumed with worry
-Pray that I will remain healthy (no rise in blood pressure)
-Pray that baby will be healthy
-Pray for wisdom for the doctors
-Pray that God be glorified through this new life!

We have our first doctors appointment on December 14th. We will be getting an ultrasound first, then meeting with the doctor. I am excited to see our little baby (even if it looks like a blob).